Workplace Health and Safety Policy

Statement of Intent:

Our policy is to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of all employees, contractors, visitors, and anyone else who may be affected by our work activities. We are committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment, fostered by a culture of well-being, prevention, and open communication.

Our Policy:

  • Risk Assessments and Prevention: We proactively identify potential hazards through regular assessments of our workspace, equipment, and work processes. Our goal is to eliminate risks whenever possible or implement control measures to mitigate them.
  • Ergonomic Excellence: We provide adjustable workstations, encourage proper posture, and offer education on ergonomic best practices to minimise the risk of musculoskeletal strain.
  • Stress Management: We recognize the mental demands of our industry and offer support mechanisms such as flexible work arrangements, open communication channels, and access to mental health resources. We encourage a mindful approach to workload and prioritise balance.
  • Open Reporting and Resolution: All employees are empowered to report hazards, accidents, near-misses, or any health and safety concerns. Prompt investigation and corrective action will be prioritised.
  • Proactive Training: We provide comprehensive training on workplace safety, first-aid, emergency procedures, and the use of any specialised equipment. Regular refresher sessions will be conducted.
  • Continuous Improvement: We value your input! This policy will evolve through regular reviews and open feedback channels. Let’s shape a work environment that supports everyone.

Responsibilities for Health and Safety:

  • Fahim Ali – Chief Operating Officer (, has overall responsibility for health and safety at Conovo Technologies.
  • Zoha Batool – HR Manager ( is responsible for the day-to-day coordination and implementation of health and safety practices.
  • Supervisors/Line Managers are responsible for ensuring employees within their teams follow safe work practices and receive appropriate training.

Employee Responsibilities:

  • Personal Accountability: Take active care of your own health and safety and be mindful of how your actions might impact others.
  • Participate and Learn: Actively engage in all safety training and apply the principles learned into your daily work.
  • Report and Respond: Raise any concerns about hazards, unsafe conditions, or incidents promptly to your manager or HR. Your insight is essential for prevention.
  • Maintain a Tidy Workspace: Ensure your work area is organised, free of trip hazards, and spills are addressed to safeguard yourself and colleagues.
  • Prioritise Wellness: Utilise the company’s mental health resources, seek support when stressed, and prioritise both physical and mental well-being.

Additional Considerations:

  • Eye Health: Implement the 20-20-20 rule (look 20 feet away every 20 minutes for 20 seconds) to reduce eye strain. Blue light filtering glasses may be beneficial.
  • Movement Breaks: Incorporate regular stretches and short movement breaks into your day.
  • Safe Commuting: Consider the safety of your commute to and from work. If cycling or walking, prioritise visibility and safety.
  • Social Connection: Engage in our company-wide wellness initiatives and social activities to foster a sense of community and reduce isolation.


  • Risk Assessments: Detailed risk assessments are conducted on a quarterly basis and used to inform control measures.
  • Training: A comprehensive health and safety induction program for new employees and specific training for specialised tasks or equipment will be provided.
  • Accident and Incident Reporting: A dedicated reporting and investigation procedure is in place.
  • First Aid: Properly trained first aiders and adequate provision of first aid kits will be maintained.
  • Workplace Inspections: Frequent inspections are carried out to identify potential hazards on bi-weekly basis.
  • Mental Health Support: Resources and channels for open communication about stress and mental health will be made available.
  • Ergonomics: Guidance and resources will be provided to optimise workstations and prevent musculoskeletal strain.
  • Communication and Consultation: Health and safety matters will be discussed through regular team meetings, feedback mechanisms, and the formation of a dedicated Health and Safety Committee comprising representatives from various departments and levels within the organisation.